Posted on September 06, 2016

Central Coast grape harvest season begins -

The central coast grape harvest is underway, a time when farmers will soon get to taste the fruits of their labor.

"It's the crux to the season, we've been babying these vines all year just to get them here," said Bob Tillman, Owner of Alta Colina Vineyard and Winery.  

The next two months will consist of early morning pickings, and long back-breaking days.  

"But you know there's an excitement of doing what a wine maker is supposed to--Make wine! Not looking at his barrels in the cellar," said Jean-Pierre Wolff, Owner of Wolff Vineyards.

As usual, white wine grapes are picked first.

"The wines that you make out of out wines are intended to be fresh and fruity, so the grapes picked at a little earlier ripening stage tend to give you a nice great acid you are looking for in a white wine," said Tillman.  

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